Making of LLemMings

Climbing green-blue blocks (floater was added as a side-gig)

ChatGPT: Climbers... Oh boy. This was a painful one looking back, there will be a series of these commits...

>>> Prompt for floater:
Give me the code for how the Floater action should make the lemming behave now. There is already a selected lemming, I just need the code on how the lemming should behave in its update()

>>> Prompt for climber:
>>> Resetting chat history -- it keeps getting confused by the Floater action. So will prefix with more context.

We are making a game with lemmings, a specific type of lemming is a Climber. What would we need to add to the lemming's update function below (see original below).
The Climber action should allow a Lemming to climb steep dirt or rock walls (compare their colors against the canvas data), and it will continue climbing as far as it can until it can walk along the X axis again.
It can only climb upwards.

You probably need to figure out some trickery here to determine whether the Lemming ran into something it should climb...

The following is declared already:
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
const Lemming = {
id: -49152,
age: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 10,
height: 20,
velX: 0,
velY: 0,
maxVelX: 0.2,
deadlyVelY: 3,
isSelected: false,
onGround: false,
isDead: false,
action: null,
update: function() {
if(this.y >= (canvas.height - (this.height+this.velY+1))) {
this.isDead = true;

// Check if ground is under us or not
let isGroundUnderneath = pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height + 1, dirtColorBytes) ||
pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height + 1, rockColorBytes);

let heightAdjustment = 0;

if (isGroundUnderneath) {
let distanceToGround = -(this.height/4);

// TODO need safety guards for canvas boundary and probably a sanity check to not iterate more than N pixels (N = height?)
while (!pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + distanceToGround + 1, dirtColorBytes)
&& !pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + distanceToGround + 1, rockColorBytes)) {
if(distanceToGround !== 0)
heightAdjustment = (this.height) - distanceToGround + 0.1; // subtract half the sprite's height

// Check if we hit a wall on the x axis
const hitWallOnLeft =
pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x - 1, this.y + this.height / 2, dirtColorBytes) ||
pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x - 1, this.y + this.height / 2, rockColorBytes);
const hitWallOnRight =
pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x + this.width + 1, this.y + this.height / 2, dirtColorBytes) ||
pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x + this.width + 1, this.y + this.height / 2, rockColorBytes);

// Check if we've fallen in water
const isWaterBelow =
pixelIsColor(oldImgData, this.x + this.width / 2, this.y + this.height + 1, waterColorBytes);

// Update velocity according to the collision rules
if (!this.onGround) {
if (this.action === "Floater") {
this.velY += GRAVITY * 0.1;
} else {
this.velY += GRAVITY;

if (isGroundUnderneath) {
// console.log(this.velY);
if(this.velY > this.deadlyVelY) {
// splat
this.isDead = true;
this.onGround = true;
this.velY = 0;
} else if (this.onGround && !isGroundUnderneath) {
// Start falling if there's no ground
this.onGround = false;

// Check if there are other lemmings that are blockers
for (let i = 0; i < lemmings.length; i++) {
const otherLemming = lemmings[i];

if (
otherLemming !== this &&
!otherLemming.isDead &&
otherLemming.action === "Blocker" &&
this.x + this.width > otherLemming.x &&
this.x < otherLemming.x + otherLemming.width &&
this.y + this.height > otherLemming.y &&
this.y < otherLemming.y + otherLemming.height
) {
console.log("Ran into a blocker?", this.x, this.y)
this.velX *= -1;

if (hitWallOnLeft || hitWallOnRight || this.x <= this.width || this.x >= canvas.width-this.width) {
this.velX *= -1;

if (isWaterBelow || this.y >= canvas.height-this.height) {
this.isDead = true;

// Apply height adjustment
if (heightAdjustment !== 0) {
this.y -= heightAdjustment; // move sprite up

// Move the lemming
this.x += this.velX;
this.y += this.velY;

I only want to change the update() function in the lemming, any boilerplate around that you can omit.

I don't want pseudo-code, I want real code. It could be that you need more context from the existing code-base, please let me know if so.

>>> Catch-up notes:
Backup was named: '_index - Copy (26) - climber-first-draft.html'
Associated LLM context: