Making of LLemMings

CRUD for levelData in level editor

GPT-4: Had trouble getting a result in context-length; hence GPT4

The CSS for the CRUD looks like crap, it will be fixed. There are still
bugs as well, which I anticipate need human intervention. Sadly. Prompts

>>> Prompt 1 (GPT-4):
Using plain javascript (no dependencies) and HTML:

Create a CRUD for e.g. data structure like below:

levelData = {
level : 1,
name : "El-el-em-ing",
seed : null, //1681139505452,
gradients : [
type: 'linear',
x0: 0,
y0: 0,
x1: 0,
y1: 600,
stops: [
{ offset: 0, color: 'black' },
{ offset: 1, color: '#660000' }
decorations : [
type: "organics",
location: ["top"],
shapes : [],
objects : [],
start : { x : 25, y : -20 },
finish : { x : 750, y : 500 },

- The CRUD system should be as generic as possible, so e.g. I pass in levelData to a function
and it will look at e.g. the "name" field and determine that is a string and output a form field like
. Then do similar form fields
appropriate for all datatypes. E.g. integer, coordinate, array, child-objects (the structure
needs to be processed recursively), etc.
- Add "+" and "-" actions on every array to add/remove items from the array.
- The fields should be created dynamically. The above structure is just an example of the types
of data the CRUD system should support.
- take into account that some field values might be null or undefined
- every field named 'type' should be a select field as there will be more types. The options for
each select field will be passed in as a separate argument, e.g.: { gradients.type : [ "option 1", "option 2"] }
- if a value is of type boolean, make it a checkbox
- if a field is named something with color, make it a color dialog, make sure you check
actual names of keys and not some _index in an array
- add a placeholder for 'save' that just prints the content of the modified structure
- visually indent nested child-objects so you can see what they are children of
- when a form field is changed or a new item is added, the original passed in object should be modified
- in order to keep track of datatypes and structure you will want to need to keep a copy of the
original structure around in case the last element of some part of the structure is deleted. So,
check for datatypes/structure in a copy of what was passed in, but any modification should be to the original
- No need to give me levelData object, I'll paste that in myself
- Make the code brief, short variable names. E.g. short variable names like field as 'fld', options as 'opts',
value as 'val', button as 'btn', document as 'doc', label as 'lbl', remove as 'rm', etc

Give me only code, no explanation.

>>> Prompt 2 (also GPT-4):
Give me a minimal but decent looking CSS for a form with fields. Label and field on same row